Good Friday

The following is taken from “Questions Along the Way: Daily Lenten Prayers” by Arden W. Mead.

“Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?”…”My God, my God, why did you abandon me?” Matthew 27:46

I know that I can never know how you felt–or what you felt–when you cried out like that, Lord Jesus Christ.

For, no matter how bad the situation may have seemed at the time, I know that I have never been abandoned by God. Even when I thought it felt that way, it wasn’t so.

But it was so for you! At that dark moment, you were more alone then I will ever, ever be. Even when I die–perhaps especially then–I will not be alone, abandoned by my God. No, just the opposite; I will be welcomed by the heavenly Father who has been with me always and will be with me still.

How do I know that? I think I just realized the answer to your question, Jesus Christ. God abandoned you…because he refused to abandon me.

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