Look Who’s ONE!

Can you believe TODAY Benjamin is ONE year old???? I can NOT! I’m serious! It seems just yesterday I was trying my hardest to push this kid out! I truly have no idea where this year has gone. He is such a joy to us as a family. He is full of smiles, giggles and funny antics. I love his wispy reddish-blond hair and blue eyes which seem to twinkle with mischief! He’s not walking yet but oh so close! He’s also not saying any words other than “momma” and “dadda.” But, this kid can CLIMB and he is so stinkin’ coordinated! I wish I had some of his coordination! I have a feeling he’ll soon be adding to his vocabulary, and if not, he’ll train his sister to talk for him! Enjoy these photos, my favorites from his year. I have 1 for each month. I love looking at them this way as it helps me see just how much he’s grown!

Ben on his Birth Day!

1 month

2 months

3 months

4 months

5 months

6 months

7 months

8 months

9 months

10 months

11 months


2 thoughts on “Look Who’s ONE!

  1. Pingback: Celebrating at the Zoo « Ponderings from a Pastor's Wife

  2. Jeni, This is such a wonderful Blog! Thanks for sharing the pictures.
    Happy Birthday sweet Benjamin!

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