Conversations with a 4 1/2 month old!

Well, we all know we can’t reason with children younger than 4, usually. We know you certainly can’t reason with a child who is only 4 1/2 months. I had this “conversation” with Cora last night:

Scene: changing table, getting her ready for bed

Cora: SCREAMING AT THE TOP OF HER LUNGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Me: Cora, honey, you’re OK. Please stop screaming.
Cora: Screaming and pushing herself backwards with her legs, thus resulting in banging her head into the end of the changing table. Louder screaming ensues.
Me: (frantic) Cora! Are you OK? (Followed by picking her up, checking her head and then laying her down to finish.)
Cora: More screaming…
Me: David! I need your help! I can’t get her to lay still long enough to get her pajama’s on! She keeps banging into the end of the table! (I had since put her stuffed bunny at the end to protect her head)
David: Cora, it’s OK. You’re OK.
Cora: stops screaming.
Me: sigh…

Is this a look into things to come? She was SO MAD and it was obvious!!!!

This morning we had another conversation. It went a little something like this:

Setting: our bedroom, 5:30 this morning (same conversation yesterday morning, by the way).

Cora: bleh, bleh, giggle, giggle; picks up legs and bangs them on her mattress, more cooing…
Me: Cora, honey, it’s too early to be awake. Why don’t you go back to sleep? (I then turn on Squiggy and put her paci in her mouth).
Cora: promplty spits paci out and wiggles her legs really fast and flaps her arms and smiles really big at me as if to say, “Mommy! It’s you! I’m so glad because I’m AWAKE!”
Me: Seriously, it’s not time to get up. Please go back to sleep.
Cora: more smiles, more flapping, more wiggles.
Me: Sigh…

Well, we can see our daughter definitely has a mind of her own! She must have gotten that from her father! 🙂 Looks like life is going to only become more interesting…

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