Spring Break

Last week Cora was on spring break from preschool. We didn’t want to not do anything fun with her being on break so we planned a day at the zoo! Our zoo gives a free day on Mondays for those from the county and we just happen to live in the same county as the zoo so we took advantage of a free trip! We got there soon after the zoo opened, which was good because it filled up fast! When we pulled into the zoo and were in the parking lot Cora says, “I didn’t know the zoo would be so awesome!” The weather was BEAUTIFUL, the kids were great and well, it was just such a nice time. We saw animals, although not all of them were out and active. I guess some of the animals are still in winter mode. When we finally made it to the tiger and saw he was sleeping in his “cave” (and only saw his hind FEET and end of tail) Cora says, “He’s not very exciting either, Daddy.” No, no he’s not. 🙂 We stayed for a couple hours, then went and got lunch and made it home for naps. We then finished the day with ice cream for supper! It was a great day!

Cora was very intent on the map. So much so we had to tell her to put it down so she would actually SEE the animals she was leading us to!

Cora was very intent on the map. So much so we had to tell her to put it down so she would actually SEE the animals!

This whole ensemble, hat to overalls, was Cora's. It would seem Bekah is just as adorable in it!

This whole ensemble, hat to overalls, was Cora’s. It would seem Bekah is just as adorable in it!

Ben really like the primates!

Ben really liked the primates!


Cora is such a great big sister! She did a good job pushing Bekah around.

Cora is such a great big sister! She did a good job pushing Bekah around.

The 2 men in our lives. I love them so much.

The 2 men in our lives. I love them so much.

How big is your hand compared to a gorilla's?

How big is your hand compared to a gorilla’s?

Ben thought this was pretty hilarious!

Ben thought this was pretty hilarious!

Bekah seemed to have fun sitting in the stroller taking it all in.

Bekah seemed to have fun sitting in the stroller taking it all in.

Me and my munchkins!

Me and my munchkins!

Hey, it's hard work being pushed around looking at animals!

Hey, it’s hard work being pushed around looking at animals!

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