Land of the Living

I feel like we’ve been gone on some horrible trip to a waste land filled with coughing, aches, pains, ear infections and snot! Oh wait, we have! It’s been a long 2 weeks of flu and other sickness but I think we’re finally getting better. Last week all 3 kids ended up with ear infections! I was at the pediatrician’s office THREE times in 24 hours! I know, I should’ve taken them all at once, but they weren’t all sick, they just dropped like flies one at a time! Cora had a double ear infection and I got to see the inside of her really bad ear. It was cool and gross and sad all at the same time. I felt so bad for her!! In any case, they’re all on antibiotics (which come with their own side effects, so I’ll be glad when we’re done with those!) and feeling so much better! The sparkle is returning to their eyes and my kids are starting to act more like themselves again.

David had a touch of the flu 2 wks ago and we thought he got off “easy.” However, by Wednesday last week he was hit hard like I had been (and we think Ben too) and was down for the count for a good couple of days. It’s taken a long time for us to feel back to ourselves, but thankfully I think we’re getting there!

Needless to say, due to all the sickness I have neglected to keep my blog going. I apologize, but such is life! I’m back now and hope to be posting more regularly!


Well, I had high hopes for this week. I had planned to get all of my Christmas cookie baking and fudge making done. I had planned to get the house clean, go south to the big city my sister lives in so David could have a day to write…and then life happened. Tuesday I woke up with a cough. Wednesday I felt like a truck had run me over. Thursday I felt like that same truck backed up and just parked on me. Yep. The flu. The last time I think I had the flu was 20 years ago around my 15th birthday. I don’t remember feeling this sick since then (other than pregnancy…). Thankfully, my MIL was able to come up TH and help out while David went to work because I literally couldn’t move. I stayed in bed all morning and some of the afternoon. Curled in a tight ball of pain, muscles sore and absolutely freezing! Yep. Gotta “love” the flu. I was able to uncurl at some point in the afternoon when my fever broke and suddenly I was roasting! I got up, ate something, showered and was able to remain vertical the rest of the day. Then Ben got sick…then Cora…then David…and this afternoon Bekah is down too. Sigh. Yep, we all have the flu, in various stages. I’m praying we’re all better come Monday. And the silver lining is that hopefully this means we’ll all be well for Christmas!